
Here you'll find things I wrote besides Let's be Fwends, my biweekly newsletter. While Let's be Fwends is a bit of an augmented curated link collection, I'm focusing on my own ideas here.

I could have included just a chronologically sorted list of titles (and maybe the abstracts so that you roughly know what to expect when you click on a link), but I thought it would be more fun to actually add some context to the articles by embedding them into a broader text. In Personal Knowledge Management land, they call this a "Map of Content".

I'm trying this structure, because writing in a more traditional style of monolithic, self-contained 'articles' doesn't do the things I try to cover justice, and it creates some stress to produce those big, content-rich pieces and I rarely find the time to do so. Emulating how I write notes, I hope I can increase my output somewhat.

So, here's a different approach to an "Overview Page". If you're just looking for the newest article, look up, there it is :)

(But if you insist on a boring chronological list, you can find one here)

Scrum And Agile

One of the things many people (let alone organisations) struggle with is the fact that Scrum is in its essence boss-less. How to survive as a Scrum team in a larger organisation and how to push the boundaries of your own authority: Who is my boss (anyway)?.

Complexity and Uncertainty can be powerful allies, if you don't stiffle them. You can't outplan uncertainty anyway, so please Stop Planning the Unplannable.

Usually, I go to great lengths coaching teams to focus on outcomes, and not output. But sometimes, just sometimes, it's ok to track outputs. This piece also highlights a common anti-pattern of improvement actions: Ignoring that in most cases, we're trying to address a habit and not a one-off thing.

I've seen many teams struggle with agile software development practices. And I've seen teams really benefiting from them. The difference? Usually, their approach to testing. Test Automation and Agility is a short note about the importance of testing for agile software teams.

The Review Sweet Spot

Failing to Integrate Transformative Work

Playing around a bit with a semiotic device, the "Greimas Square", here's a little study of Commitment and Compliance as a pair of opposites.


Coaching is a two-way street. The coach forms the relationship just as much as the coachee. How you're working as a coach depends on your personality, your ethics, and your view of what's important. This is how I See the Scrum Master Role.

Distributed Agile Organisations

The year is (early) 2021. With the exception of a handful of tech companies, the rest of the world is suddenly forced to figure out how this "remote" and "distributed" things work - and how Agile fits into this. I've spent the better part of a year with an organisation to figure this out, and shared my insights with the "Empowering Agile Greece" conference in a talk called "The Risks and Benefits of Agile Practices in Distributed Organisations".

What is Work?

Transforming work puts a significant emphasis on unlearning what used to be important but is now obsolete. But you can't expect people to unlearn anything if you don't change their context (because "Context defines mindset"). So, in order to make unlearning effective, you need to think about the importance of a change in environments for unlearning

What is 'Work'? And What is 'Good Work'?

Towards a Human Way of Working, my own little manifesto.

Rest and Growth

AI is a Dangerous Shortcut

Psychological Safety

What role does trust play in the context of safety and (in)security? And more specifically, what kind of trust are we talking about? Trust and Insecurity compares the concept of "Manufactured Insecurity" with a certain type of workplace, and explores what 'trust' in a work context truly means.

Free Your Mind From Thoughts About Catastrophes

Make the Zeigarnik-Effect Work for You

Banning political debate from the workplace is wrong

Personal Boundaries and SEPs

Nifty Tools

A collection of tools (social, technological, philosophical).

The "Ladder of Inference" to uncover the reasons of disagreement: Two Solutions, one Problem?

Scaffolds and Ladders help teams starting out, but should be removed as time goes by.

Here's one that didn't age well: How Evernote become my Operating System. Since publishing this I've ditched both Evernote and Getting Things Done. On the other hand, it is interesting to see what actually transcended both the application and the framework - the values and practices I established many years ago very much influenced how I see Personal Productivity & Knowledge Management and shape how I use my current tool Obsidian.

That one Flow hack that hijacks the concept of Flow and let's you better understand the particular mental state you'll need or can expect of a task.

Gloriously Out of Place Things I Like Nonetheless

My 2024 Year in Strava Music

My 2023 Year in Strava Music

9 Vignettes in three Acts about everyday Life and logical Fallacies