Cycling, Music, Fear, Age, Soda Cans
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Let's be Fwends is a journal about agility, organisations, technology, and the larger media landscape. And most importantly the role of all of us in all of that.
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Let's be Fwends #123:
Cycling, Music, Fear, Age, Soda Cans
Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.
~ Anne Lamott
End-of-year-posts are typically the hardest ones to find a title for. This one is no exception, so I'm banking on this introductory text to get you interested. We start off with the least interesting thing - me riding my bike. Then we look at how we can get rid of fear as a structuring force, pension fraud as a reason for old age, and a coke can that is not red (or is it?). Then I say thank you for sticking with me in 2023, and express my intent to see you again in 2024.
My 2023 in Cycling (and Referring Music)
End of the year. Time for reflection and maybe writing up a thing or two about the year. Over the years, I developed the quirk of naming all my bike rides after song titles or parts of the lyrics that for some reason stood out to me - they might be related to the ride itself, or how I was feeling at the time.
What will 2024 hold in store, music-wise? Follow me on Strava to find out!
The Fearless Organisation
In 2018, Amy Edmondson wrote one of the more important (business) books of our age: "The fearless organisation". What would happen if we could remove fear as a driving, motivating, shaping, framing, guiding force in our work places? With what could we replace it? And how would one go about it? Here's an introductory post with some clear action items that can get you started.
What Leads to Old Age?
In the health community, there's an interesting obsession with "supercentenarians" - people who live longer than 100 years, which appears to be something like an upper bound of lifespan for most people. What makes them so special? A whole sub-branch of the health industry concerns itself with these people, claiming that lifestyle - and foremost nutrition - is the most important contributor to longevity. This corresponds with so-called "blue zones", areas around the world with a focus on fresh produce, fish as regular part of the diet, and generally modest calorie intake.
Maybe some of those "supercentenarians" didn't discover the key to healthy eating, but the fast track to an early retirement?
A Red Coca-Cola Can That isn't Red
You know how much I enjoy a good optical illusion. Here's a can of coca-cola that is not red.
That's it for 2023. It was quite a ride (or - in my case - 87 rides). Thanks for letting me be a part of yours. See you on the other side! 🎇
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