Should we Start to Ignore the Internet?
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Let's be Fwends is a journal about agility, organisations, technology, and the larger media landscape. And most importantly the role of all of us in all of that.
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Let's be Fwends #122:
Should we Start to Ignore the Internet?

I don't have a solution. Just concerning thoughts. ~ Ana Rodrigues
Hello! Today is a short one, this week has been quite intense. But I have four links for you I don't want to withhold. Three of those four deal with Artificial Intelligence, which is a quite interesting quota for someone who wanted to stay out of this debate (for now), and the fourth is about the link between labour costs and inflation, something that has been wildly disputed here in Austria (and the US, as far as I know). Enjoy!
Different Ways to Interpret Generative AI
Is Generative AI the next platform shift? Will it touch every digital surface we are interacting with? (like mobile, or cloud) Or is it really the door-opener for something even bigger? Benedict Evans dives into different ways to interpret the GAI movement in a talk worth watching.
Should we Start to Ignore the Online World?
Notoriously optimistic Ben Thompson seems to echo the crisis of thought many of us are going through at the moment: If GAI takes over the Internet, and everything there converges on the worst parts of "fake" and "personalised", then maybe we should just forget about the Online world, or at least treat it as a ficticious place?
How do Large Language Models Work?
Here's an interesting visualisation of how a very small LLM works, in case you're wondering.
Do Labour Costs Drive Inflation, or is it the Other Way Round?
The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco crunched the numbers so you don't have to. Their research found that it is indeed inflation that is driving up labour costs, not the other way round, which probably comes to the surprise of no-one in particular.
That's it for this edition of Let's be Fwends, you'll hear from me before the holidays again, with a little surprise. 🎁
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