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Let's be Fwends is a journal about agility, organisations, technology, and the larger media landscape. And most importantly the role of all of us in all of that.
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Let's be Fwends #118:

"Don't forget drink water and get some sunlight because you're basically a house plant with more complicated emotions"
~ Zach Birkland (maybe?)
For me, growing is the most interesting thing you can do in life. Basically, it's the simplest (but maybe not the easiest) way to experience yourself and the world in new ways. And 'growing' means also 'growing old', a feat I'm accomplishing at an alarming rate. We round out this issue with sandwiches (because: why not?), re-visiting the effortlessness of effort (ah! the topic of growth again!) and destruction frozen in time.
Rest and Growth
I've been thinking about work-related stress lately, and what personal productivity has to do with it. One thing I noticed was that in that space, many people are trying to push the level of productivity so high, that there's little to no place for reflection, tinkering, experimenting, or just doing nothing.
But if you want to grow, rest is indespensable.
Okay, I'm old.
Did you know that the first demonstration of color TV was nearer to my birthday than today? That the earths population nearly doubled since I'm around? Or that the total number of candles on all of my birthday cakes is 1.128? (If I would have celebrated all my birthdays, all my birthday celebrations would have involved cake, and all of those cakes would have candles on them representing my age)
Want to see for yourself how time flies?
All the Sandwiches
Personally, I think everything is a sandwich. Pizza? Open-faced Cheese and tomato sandwich. Toast? Grilled sandwich. Pasta? Shredded Sandwich. Salad? Bread-less Sandwich.
If you're more conservative about sandwiches, here's a list of all sandwiches, ever:
List of sandwiches - Wikipedia
The Effortlessness of Effort
A couple of issues past I shared a video of the band Tortoise performing their song 'Swung from the gutter' pointing out the contrast between the relaxed music and the tension needed to create it. This is how mastery looks like: Effortless.
I have no idea about climbing, but I think this is the most difficult route ever climbed, done by Jakob Schubert. And the weird thing is - the way he is perfoming, it doesn't look difficult at all.
Martin Klimas created a beautiful series of photographs showing porcelain figurines frozen in a state of explosion.
That's it for this issue of Let's be Fwends. 🪴
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